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Purpose Driven Legacy

Living a life worthy of Legacy

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Uncover your life’s purpose and create a lasting legacy with this transformative guide. Ignite your heart’s passion, prioritize what truly matters, and inspire profound change in your life. Purpose Driven Legacy is a profound journey that invites readers to delve into the depths of their existence. It poses the poignant question: What would Jesus say about you if he were invited to speak at your memorial service? Would he say that he knows you? This thought-provoking query is designed to stir the soul and prompt introspection about the path one is treading. This book provides a roadmap to a purposeful existence, urging readers to scrutinize their paths, assess their present standing, and carve out a trajectory imbued with significance.

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Honor and Shame

Unveiling the Eternal Dance

Honor and Shame – Unveiling the Eternal Dance is just one of the many Bible studies published by Royer Heritage LLC. Its goal is to inspire all who profess faith in Jesus to seek him with all their heart and encourage them to stay in the word and to be purposeful in building a Godly Legacy. It is a topical bible study designed to find out what the bible says about the concept of Honor and Shame.

To fully grasp the concept of honor and shame in the Bible, it is important to delve into the cultural context in which these ideas were prevalent. In ancient Middle Eastern societies, honor was closely tied to one’s reputation and standing in the community. It could be gained or lost based on one’s actions and interactions with others. On the other hand, shame results from dishonorable behavior or actions that disgrace oneself and one’s family.

The Bible is filled with stories illustrating the importance of honor and shame in the lives of those of that time. From the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to the parable of the prodigal son, these narratives
highlight the consequences of both honorable and shameful behavior.

For Christians engaging in a topical Bible study on honor and shame, it is crucial to understand how these concepts can shape our understanding of God’s character and the way we interact with others. The Bible teaches us that God is a God of honor, who values righteousness, integrity, and truth. As followers of Christ, we are called to respect these values in our own lives, seeking to bring honor to God through our actions and words.

Additionally, the Bible also reminds us of the importance of humility and repentance in the face of shame. When we fall short of God’s standards, we are called to confess our sins and seek forgiveness, knowing that God is faithful to restore us to a place of honor in His sight.

By exploring the biblical perspectives on honor and shame, we can gain a deeper understanding of how these concepts shape our relationships with God and others, ultimately leading us to live lives that bring glory and honor to His name.


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Paperback $14.95 on Amazon

Kindle $9.95 on Amazon

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